Avenida Islas Canarias 4, Costa Teguise
0034 928 590423
Opening hours: Mon - Fri 9:00 - 22:00
Centro comercial de Algo
0034 928 590 728
Opening hours: Mon - Fri 8:00 - 20:00
Info for Health Insurance: Health Insurance Card for persons covered by statutory health insurance, E/111
Avenida Islas Canarias, Costa Teguise
0034 928 82 60 72
Info for Health Insurance: Only private health insurance
Porto del Carmen, Avenida de la Playas
0034/ 928 51 35 49
Hospital Doctor José Molina Orosa de Lanzarote
Ctra. Arrecife-Tinajo, 35550 - Arrecife
0034 928 595 000
Info for Health Insurance: Health Insurance Card for persons covered by statutory health insurance, E/111
C. C. Calipso, Av. Islas Canarias, 5, Costa Teguise
0034 928 34 68 68
Info for Health Insurance: Only private health insurance
Calle las Yucas 16
0034 / 928 59 07 28
Opening hours: Mon, Tue, Thu 9:00 - 13:30 and 16:30 - 20:00 Wed, Fri 9:00 - 17:00
Persons covered by compulsory health insurance need to have an E/111 Overseas Health Insurance Certificate. You may request this health insurance certificate in your native country directly from your health insurance company.
You can find the current general information regarding COVID-19 here:
C.C, Calipso
Avenida Islas Canarias 5
0034 / 928 59 07 28
Opening 24 h
With private insurance
Dr Sicilia. Grupo Megalab. Red Canaria de laboratorios
c/ Mexico No 10. Bajo 35500 Arrecife
You can reach the medical emergency number by calling 112!
No area code or similar necessary.
The callers are mostly multilingual. Please give precise information about your whereabouts.